Thursday 9 December 2010

Evaluation of project

This has been a very busy module for me this year it has really tested my time management skills and been a high workload to complete. saying that i have really enjoyed doing it and am really pleased with the end product. we started off with a fairly loose idea of doing three different radio through the times and animating them accordingly. The end product was really nice and the whole group worked really well together to acheive the final animation. I have learnt so many new skills with 3ds max this year including advanced lighting and material use through the animation and the head model we did the first 6 weeks. i have especially improved my rendering outcomes as my 3d modelling skills are starting to take shape and i am starting to realise what im good at in max. There are thing i feel we could have improved on in the final peice such as maybe making the film a bit longer and animating the radios in a bit more detail but these are all things which were hampered buy time which we didnt have alot of in the module. To sum the whole project up i feel we did really well as a group and produced a good end product and i feel each team member really did there own part and shared the responsibility of the project equally. As i said earlier i have really enjoyed this project and richard has done a really good job in teaching it and i continue to learn new skills and develop better group working skills because of it. :)

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