Tuesday 30 November 2010

I have started to make the rest of the outside environment for the animation. i started buy making a stone/ concrete path which will go outside the house to make it look a bit more interesting. I made this buy simply making a long rectangle and using the connect tool to create extra lines and extrude the middle to form the curbs either side. the material added was a stone/concrete which worked well and applied it the same as I have described in earlier posts.

The wooden fence was created buy drawing out a rectangle with the line tool and then creating a rectangle for the individual fence panel which was placed at the side of the line which will form the perimeter of the fence. I then turned the fence post into a editable poly and shaped it to have a point at the top with the scale tool. I then used the scatter modifier to clone the other post and position them along the fence line. I then turned the original line drawn for the fence outline and used the editable spline modifier to extrude it and create the 3 support posts that run along the fence with the clone button.

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