Monday 15 November 2010

Rubics cube made with stone

Here is the finished object with the stone material applied, to do this i simply got a nice stone pattern and put it into photoshop to crop it approprialty and clean it up a lil with the blurr tool. i then went thru the process of of applying it as a material and creating a bump map as earlier described for other objects. Then a skylight was applied to give it depth and shadows in the final render.

Here i have been creating some more ornaments to accompany the radio in the scene, this is a rubics cube that i have made to look like its made of stone to fit with the old scenery. it was quite simple to make. i began buy making a box 100 x 100 x100 and segments times 3 all over. i then made it into a editable poly annd beveled the individual polygons till i was happy and fort it looked correct.

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